Shane & Emma, Owners

Shane & Emma bring a deep well of knowledge and experience to the helm of Aslan Organics. Shane helped his family farm cover more than 250 acres per year through his teens, and Emma helped her family vegetable plot build up more than 18 inches of humus over her 20 year mentorship alongside her father. Together, they work extremely hard toward their dream of Life on the Farm.

In the summer of 2024, we purchased our forever home. Our dream property comes with 50 acres and has a creek running through the back of the property. The large barn is the Matriarch of the land, and a quaint heritage home pays her homage while providing us a warm and cozy place to rest at night.

It’s everything we could have hoped for, now we get to make that dream of ours come true.


We put your greens on the table at every single meal! It’s made our meals healthier and our bodies stronger because the quality of your food is unmatched.
— 2024 Farm Share Member
One of our favourite activities through the summer is heading to the market to Aslan Organics to pick up our fresh, local, organic produce for the week!
— The Sawatsky Family



We work with those who have forged ahead of us, picking up the best and most proven methods along the way. We want to deliver you an extremely healthy and delicious product that exceeds your previous experience with eggs or vegetables. Our products will fill your taste buds with joy and fill your bellies with vitamins and nutrients. Eating our food is an experience that makes your body feel healthy and fills your heart with joy.

About Us

Shane and Emma Rozeveld

I’m holding an art project I did in the 3rd grade. It’s a simple picture, drawn on white paper with what looks like dull crayons. But on the page is a drawing of a beautiful country scenery, with a lovely two story house and barn, and a big green tractor, my 3rd grade self driving with confidence and waving a huge “hello!” (Seriously, you need to see how oversized this hand is.) Written in grade 3 ledger by that dull crayon is “I want to be a farmer when I grow up.”

It’s so interesting to watch your entire life head in a certain direction, to suddenly wake up and realize that your whole life had somehow been pulling you to this exact moment and place. Every day we wake, we get the privilege of working toward that pull, that calling to be an Agrarian. We greet every challenge of this farm, of growing food without harmful chemicals or sterilizing bug sprays. We grow food with joy in our hearts knowing this is exactly what we’re called to be doing.

And so, we refine our craft of growing food one day at a time. We honestly can’t do any of this without saying thank you to You, our Farm Family. Thank you to this community that supports us, that keeps our dream alive every time you purchase something from our farm.

It’s magical. It’s Eden.

-Shane, Emma, & the crew at Aslan Organics

Our Team

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